Healthy Brown
Brown Takes Care
September 9, 2020

Share Your #WhyICare 🐻 Story

Virtual Activity

Using your voice to tell your story is one of the most motivating ways you can call others to action. 

Share your personal reasons for following public health guidelines in the age of COVID-19. Whose health do you want to protect? Why do you care about a healthy Brown? How do you create connection and community at a distance?

Challenge Results


Jordan Ecker

—Judy Kim

“I care because I want to protect those who are most vulnerable in our communities. I believe colleges have a role to play in keeping a community healthy and safe. As university students, we must realize how important it is for us to follow all health guidelines and be careful in order to keep the local community safe. I care because I believe in the intellectual mission of Brown University and getting an education means we must think about those around us as well.”
— Chanelle Dupuis

“I follow guidelines because I want things to get back to normal. I want to create a safe place for my family and friends. I want to be able to do things I want to do, like volunteering in the hospital and going out to eat. I want to experience my first year on campus.”
— Rolake Feyisetan

“I care about keeping Brown safe so that we can return to normalcy as soon as possible! I want to protect all of my friends, my family, and everyday normal people working in shops, facilities, and around campus. By social distancing now, we will be able to gather again and have social activities in the future.”
— Maria Zou

“I care because my community, friends and family matter, and I’ve seen firsthand the long-term effects of COVID-19. I care because my mom was sick for months despite being healthy before contracting coronavirus. I care because any one of us can fall ill, and we all need to look out for each other. I care because I hope someone else cares about me, too.”
— Alexandria Lovell

“I care because everyone should, because public health relies on the community protecting itself, because I am young and healthy, because there are those who aren't. I care because I don't have to work at a hospital or at an essential job that constantly puts me at risk for COVID-19, because I have stable housing, because my parents are still able to work, because I am privileged in many ways that others aren't. And the very least I can do is stay home, wear a mask, and social distance. I care for those who don't have health insurance, who can't afford testing or masks, who don't have safe spaces to stay, and who are required to put their lives at risk to serve the economy.”
— Caterina Dong

“I'm following public health guidelines because of my father, who is elderly and has pre-existing conditions. I also follow them so my grandma can stay with our family. For the first three months she was isolated by herself, which really hurt her mental state. Now I'm glad I get to be with her. I'm also following guidelines so the teachers and students going back to school in my town have a better shot of being safe. What we do affects our community, and I want to help my community by doing my part.”
— Julia Terra-Salomao